Franchise Your Business

Expansion and Growth Through Franchising

If you’re an independent business owner who is successfully running your business, congratulations. You’re doing an excellent job and are probably looking for ways to expand and grow your business.

So, now that you’re running a successful operation, you may be wondering what options are available to you to facilitate that expansion and growth. There are several available, starting with adding a new location using your current operation’s cash flow. But this approach could limit your growth trajectory and take a long amount of time to achieve.

You could use conventional financing through your bank. Most often, it’s going to require your personal guarantee, which could jeopardize all you’ve worked hard to build. In addition, conventional financing comes with high interest rates, which could limit your return.

There’s equity financing, but that means you’re going to have new partners or investors looking over your shoulder, since they’re going to want a stake in your business. That leaves one other option: franchising. It’s the smartest and fastest way to grow and expand your business, duplicating the success you’ve achieved.

In fact, here’s something you probably didn’t know; according to the accounting firm of Price/Waterhouse/Coopers, franchises are responsible for 40% of all retail sales in the U.S. That’s over $1 trillion dollars in sales. One in every 12 businesses is a franchise, and more than 300 of them are sold each week.

The best part of growing through franchising: you’re using other people’s money.

Advantages of Franchising Your Business

In addition to using other people’s money to expand, you’ll gain a huge competitive advantage by having multiple locations - some in area’s you’ve probably never considered because of logistical constraints. And that’s just for starters. In addition:

Our experienced team specializes in developing your entire franchise operation and guide you every step of the way. Our goal is to build your brand value while finding the appropriate quality franchisees to help accelerate your overall growth.

From marketing to legal to location selection, we’ll help you build your franchise every step of the way. We’ve successfully worked with many other franchisors, and now we’d like to help you as well.

If you would like to explore the various opportunities available to you as a franchisor of your business, we would like to talk to you. From helping you achieve high ROI to building real wealth through franchising, we’ll show you how master franchising can work for you. Plus, there’s no cost or obligation to explore if franchising is right for you.

Why Use Us?

The Franchise Group is an industry leader, with more than 25 years of proven success in building and selling franchise businesses for our clients.

You can grow your brand image by having a national presence (sometimes even an international presence).
You’ll have a proven business model to help build additional income and equity, and build generational wealth.
You’ll minimize your personal financial risk, and have more control over your work/life balance.
You’ll enjoy many advantages over expanding and operating as an independent business, from marketing support to landlord negotiations to operational support once your franchise is open.

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